Proto-Pong is a variation of the classic "Pong" games of years past.
The main difference is that there are alot of different backdrops in this game,
some of which were designed by me, some of which were not. It also saves the
high score for you. This is not a complex game; I put it together in my spare time,
to practice with Color QuickDraw programming. If you like it, great-take a copy. If you don't like it, great-take a copy anyway. If you want to see some source code that gives a basic idea of how a "Pong" game works, see the included C program - it was the basis for how I put this game together.
System Requirements
• Color QuickDraw (256 colors minimum)
• System 7.0 or better
How to Play
• You control the left paddle with the mouse, moving it up or down.
• The computer controls the right paddle. Don't despair, it will occasionally miss the
ball; how often depends on which skill level you play at.
• The round ends after either player has accumulated 5 points since the beginning of
that round. There is no time limit on the game; it's over when you select Quit from
the file menu.
• The Speed menu is used to compensate for the drawing speed of your particular
Macintosh. If you have a relatively slow Mac (like me), you will probably want to
select a higher speed. If you have a more powerful Macintosh, select a slow speed,
unless your eye-hand coordination is exceptionally good!
• The speed will automatically increase over time to keep things interesting.
• You can turn the sound on or off with the Sound menu.
• Just in case you were wondering, there are 45 different backdrops to be seen in this
game. The "Toaster" backgrounds are from "After Dark™", by Berkeley Systems, Inc..
Some of the others are from "Before Dark", by Craig Marciniak. The rest are by me.
• One more thing: don't check the "Locked" box in the "Get Info" window, or the game